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15/01/2020 Windows 10 1809 商业版光盘镜像文件包含的 Windows 10 版本. 除了上面的“MSDN, 我告诉你”网站,还可以使用一款名叫 Windows 系统下载器(Windows ISO Downloader)的软件来下载 Windows 10: Windows 10 (consumer edition), version 1809 (updated May 2019) (x86) - DVD (Chin 2019-08-31 分类频道 进入微软官网Windows 10下载页面,点击立即下载工具 下载地址: 下载工具完成,打开Win10安装程序,下载ISO镜像文件 双击运行 稍等片刻 直接点击接受 选择第二个选项,点击下一步 可以默认直接点击下一步,也可以取消勾选“对这台电脑 …

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Windows 10 1089更新文件下载

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The Windows 10 October 2020 Update (codenamed "20H2") is the tenth and current major update to Windows 10. The update is the cumulative update to the May 2020 Update, and carries the build number 10.0.19042. The first preview was released to Insiders who opted in to Beta Channel on June 16, 2020. In Internet Explorer, click Tools, and then click Internet Options. On the Security tab, click the Trusted Sites icon. Click Sites and then add these website addresses one at a time to the list: You can only add one address at a time and you must click Add after each one:

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